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- Sinai Codex 3: Book of Job
- folio 7r: Job and wife
- folio 7v: Job and family
- folio 8r: Job's first riches of flocks
- folio 8v: Job's sons and daughters going to feast
- folio 9r: Job sacrifices to God
- folio 9v: Text
- folio 10r: Job sacrifices to God
- folio 13r: Satan and Heavenly Beings in Presence of God
- folio 17r: Satan departs from God
- folio 17v: Sons and daughters feasting
- folio 18r: The Sabateans destroy the flocks
- folio 18v: The Fire of God Destroys the Sheep
- folio 19v:The Chaldeans seize the camels
- folio 20r: The destruction of the house and Job's children
- folio 20v: Four messengers report disasters to Job
- folio 21r: Job laments
- folio 21v: Job standing
- folio 23r: Satan and Heavenly Beings before God
- folio 25r: Satan departs to smite Job
- folio 25v: Job smitten by Satan
- folio 26r: Job on ash-heap served by wife
- folio 28v: Job and wife talking
- folio 29r: Journey of the friends
- folio 29v: Journey of the friends
- folio 30v: Friends lament before Job and friends debate
- Sinai Codex 7: Prophetologian
- Sinai Codex 8: Prophetologian
- Sinai Codex 12: Prophetologian
- Sinai Codex 22: Commentary on psalms
- Sinai Codex 28: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 29: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 30: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 36: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 38: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 39: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 44: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 48: Psalter
- folio 25r: Jesus Christ on slope (Psalm 24:1, LXX 23:1)
- folio 25v: Jesus Christ and angels outside closed doors (Psalm 24:7, LXX 23:7)
- folio 29r: Jesus Christ before Caiaphas (Psalm 27:11, LXX 26:11)
- folio 30v: Baptism of Jesus Christ (Psalm 29:2-3, LXX 28: 2-3)
- folio 51r: Jesus Christ betrayed by Judas (Psalm 41:9, LXX 40:9)
- folio 51v: David near spring (Psalm 42:1, LXX 41:1)
- folio 53v: Three elderly men nimbed (Psalm 44:1, LXX 43:1)
- folio 56r: Hand of God blessing Jesus Christ and David (Psalm 45:2, LXX 44:2)
- folio 9r: Jesus Christ in mandorla (Psalm 47:5, LXX 46:5)
- folio 64r: Nathan rebukes David (Psalm 51:1-4, LXX 50:1-4)
- Sinai Codex 51
- Sinai Codex 55: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 61: Psalter
- folio 2v: David composing the Psalms, David with harp, David slaying beast
- folio 3r: Headpiece and initial M of two men (Psalm 1:1)
- folio 77v: Repentance of David
- Psalter, folio 78r: Headpiece and initial E of Hand of Blessing (Psalm 51:1 LXX 51:1)
- folio 121v: Moses, Aaron, and the Hebrews
- folio 122r: Headpiece and initial Pi (Psalm 78:1 LXX 77:1)
- folio 235r: Crossing the Red Sea and Destruction of Pharaoh's army
- folio 235v: Song of Miriam
- folio 236r: Headpiece and initial A of Moses (Ode 1:1)
- folio 256v: Manasseh praying before the Virgin and Child (Ode 12)
- Sinai Codex 68: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 69: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 72: Psalter
- Sinai Codex 77
- Sinai Codex 149: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 150: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 152: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 154: Four Gospels
- front cover
- folio 3v: canon tables
- folio 7v: canon tables
- folio 10v: Matthew seated
- folio 11r: Headpiece for Matthew and initial
- folio 78v: Mark seated
- folio 79r: Headpiece for Mark and initial
- folio 123v: Luke seated
- folio 124r: Headpiece for Luke and initial
- folio 195v: John seated
- folio 196r: Headpiece for John and initial
- back cover
- Sinai Codex 155: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 156: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 157: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 158: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 159: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 160: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 163: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 165: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 166: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 168: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 170: Four Gospels
- folio 1v: Canon tables
- folio 1r: Canon tables
- folio 2r: Canon tables
- folio 3r: Canon tables
- folio 3v: Canon tables
- folio 4r: Canon tables
- folio 6v: Matthew seated
- folio 83r: Text and headpiece (Mark)
- folio 131v: Luke seated
- folio 132r: Text and headpiece (Luke)
- folio 216v: John seated
- folio 217r: text and headpiece (John)
- Sinai Codex 171: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 172: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 179: Four Gospels
- folio 2v: Canon tables
- folio 3r: Canon tables
- folio 4r: Canon tables
- folio 5r: Canon tables
- folio 6r: Canon tables
- folio 6v: Canon tables
- folio 7r: Canon tables
- folio 12v: Matthew seated
- folio 13r: Headpiece for Matthew and initial of animal
- folio 84v: Mark seated
- folio 133v: Luke seated
- folio 209v: John seated
- folio 210r: Headpiece for John initial of animal
- Sinai Codex 180: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 183: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 186: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 187: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 188: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 193: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 196: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 198: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 203: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 204: Four Gospels
- front cover: Crucifixion with Mary and John
- front cover, inside
- folio 1r: Jesus Christ standing with codex
- folio 2r: Mother of God standing
- folio 3r: Peter standing
- folio 4v: Matthew standing with codex
- folio 5v: Mark standing with codex
- folio 6v: Luke standing with codex
- folio 8v: John standing with codex
- folio 9r: headpiece
- folio 82r: headpiece
- folio 171v-172r: text and ornament (detail)
- folio 357r: text page
- Sinai Codex 205: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 206: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 207: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 208: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 210
- Sinai Codex 211
- Sinai Codex 212
- Sinai Codex 213: Four Gospels
- folio 2r: Canon tables
- folio 3r: Canon tables
- folio 18v: headpiece for Synaxarion
- folio 19v: initial of man and two beasts
- folio 73v: initial and beast
- folio 77r
- folio 196v: Jesus Christ in medallion, initial of Hand of Blessing, band of birds, beasts and man's head
- folio 312v: Tailpiece, animal, initial
- Sinai Codex 214: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 215
- Sinai Codex 216: Evangelion
- Sinai Codex 218: Evangelion
- Sinai Codex 219
- Sinai Codex 220: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 221: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 222: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 223
- Sinai Codex 228: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 230
- Sinai Codex 233: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 234: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 237: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 239: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 240: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 246
- Sinai Codex 247: Evangelion
- Sinai Codex 251: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 254: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 260: New Testament
- Sinai Codex 266: New Testament
- Sinai Codex 275: Praxapostolos
- folio 1r: Headpiece for Acts with Jesus Christ with twelve disciples
- folio 91v: text and James
- folio 101r: text and Peter standing
- folio 129r: John standing and headband
- folio 131r: John standing
- folio 139r: Headpiece with Paul, Timothy, Luke, Jason, and Sosipater
- folio 172r: decoration
- folio 245r: text and Paul and Timothy
- folio 254v: Paul standing and headband
- folio 261v: Paul and Timothy standing, and headband
- folio 270v: Headpiece with Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy all standing
- folio 279v: Headpiece with Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, all standing
- folio 296v: Paul standing and headband
- folio 309r: Paul and Timothy standing, and headband
- folio 314r: Headpiece with Christ and Paul
- Sinai Codex 277: Praxapostolos
- Sinai Codex 283: Praxapostolos
- Sinai Codex 293
- Sinai Codex 302: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 303: Gospel Commentary of Theophylact
- Sinai Codex 319: Dionysius the Areopagite and Scholia
- Sinai Codex 326:Basil the Hexaemeron
- Sinai Codex 339: Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus
- front cover: Geometric cross
- folio 3r: text
- folio 4v: Gregory seated
- folio 5r: Headpiece with Resurrection scene, scene in initial A
- folio 9v: Headpiece with Christ in mandorla appearing to Gregory and Habakkuk
- folio 42v: Headpiece with Mamas of Caesarea scene
- folio 53r: Mamas outside cave with deer
- folio 54r: Headpieve with Pentecost scene, scene in initial Pi
- folio 73v: Headpiece with Julian the Tax-Gatherer scene
- folio 91r: Headpiece with Nativity scene
- folio 91v: Monks appealing to Virgin and Child
- folio 109r: Headpiece with Basil the Great Scene
- folio 122v: decorative initials
- folio 197v: Headpiece with the Baptism of Jesus Christ
- folio 217r: Headpiece with Ecclesiatic Council scene
- folio 131v: Two rams with interlocked horns
- folio 341v: Headpiece with Gregory and the Poor Scene
- folio 381v: Headpiece with Maccabees VII scene
- folio 397r: Headpiece with Cyprian of Nicomedia scene
- back cover: Geometric cross
- Sinai Codex 341: Gregory Theologos
- Sinai Codex 342
- Sinai Codex 346: Gregory Theologos
- Sinai Codex 347: Gregory Theologos
- Sinai Codex 360: Hexaemeron
- Sinai Codex 364: John Chrysostom on Matthew
- Sinai Codex 366: John Chrysostom on Matthew
- Sinai Codex 368
- Sinai Codex 375: John Chrysostom, Various Homilies
- Sinai Codex 395: John Chrysostom, Excerpts from Various Logoi
- Sinai Codex 417: Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus
- Sinai Codex 418: Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus
- folio 2r: Cross surrounded by birds and beasts
- folio 2v: Jesus Christ blessing John Climacus
- folio 3r: Headpiece with scene of Letters from Abba John to Abba John
- folio 13r: Headpiece, marginal scenes of Letters from Abba John to Abba John
- folio 15v: Conflict with demons in climbing ladder to Heaven, with Christ at top
- folio 16r: Headpiece: Renunciation of Life
- folio 27r: Headpiece with scene concerning Passionlessness
- folio 31v: Headpiece with scene concerning Sojourning
- folio 37r: Headpiece: Pursuing Dreams
- folio 39r: Headpiece with scene concerning Obedience
- folio 79r: Headpiece with scene concerning repentance, marginal scene
- folio 94v: Headpiece with a scene concerning Remembrance of Death
- folio 99v: Headpiece with scene concerning Sorrow
- folio 121r: Headpiece with scene concerning Remembrance of Evil
- folio 124r: Headpiece with scene concerning Slander
- folio 127v: Headpiece with scene concerning verbosity
- folio 129v: Headpiece with scene concerning Falsehood
- folio 132r: Headpiece with scene concerning Indifference
- folio 135r: Headpiece with scene concerning Gluttony
- folio 142v: Headpiece: Chastity and Temperance
- folio 162v: Headpiece with scene concerning Love of Money
- folio 164r: Headpiece with scene concerning Poverty
- folio 166v: Headpiece with scene concerning Insensibility
- folio 170r: Headpiece with scene concerning Sleep and Prayer
- folio 172r: Headpiece with scene concerning Vigilance
- folio 175r: Headpiece with scene concerning Cowardice
- folio 177r: Headpiece with scene concerning Vainglory
- folio 184v: Headpiece with scene concerning Arrogance
- folio 189v: Headpiece with scene concerning Blasphemy
- folio 193v: Headpiece, and marginal scene concerning Simplicity
- folio 197v: Headpiece, and marginal scene concerning Humility
- folio 211r: Headpiece with scene concerning Interpretation of Dreams
- folio 231v: Headpiece with scene concerning Prayer
- folio 248r: Headpiece with scene of John Climacus reading to monks
- folio 254r: Headpiece with scene concerning Body and Soul
- folio 259r: Headpiece with scene concerning Quietude
- folio 269r: Headpiece with scene concerning Prayer as the Mother of Virtues
- folio 279r: Headpiece with scene concerning Tranquility
- folio 283r: Headpiece with scene concerning Faith, Hope, and Love
- folio 290r: Headpiece of John Climacus and monks, Jesus Christ with Mary and John
- Sinai Codex 421: Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus
- Sinai Codex 423: Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus
- Sinai Codex 427: Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus
- Sinai Codex 446: Ascetic Admonitions
- Sinai Codex 454: Ascetica
- Sinai Codex 456: Euergetinos
- Sinai Codex 468: Ascetica
- Sinai Codex 471
- Sinai Codex 491: John Chrysostom
- Sinai Codex 495: Menologion (September)
- Sinai Codex 499: Menologion
- Sinai Codex 500: Menologion (November)
- folio 4v: cross
- folio 5r: Headpiece with two scenes of Kosmas and Damianos
- folio 25v: Joseph. Akepsimas, Aeithalos; headpiece for Menologion and initial E
- folio 43r: headpiece
- folio 43v: Joannikos
- folio 77r: Galaktion and Episteme
- folio 86r: Paul the Confessor
- folio 92v: Martyrdom of Hieron, text
- folio 98v: Saint Matrona
- folio 118v: Theoktista the Lesbian
- folio 129v: Victor, Menas, and Vikentios
- folio 136r: John the Martyr
- folio 175r: Paul and John Chrysostom
- folio 275v: Martyrdom of Phillip, with Bartholomaios and Marianne
- folio 281v: The Three Holy Confessors
- folio 302r: Matthew seated
- folio 136r: John the Merciful
- back cover
- Sinai Codex 503: Menologion (November)
- Sinai Codex 508: Menologion
- Sinai Codex 512: Menologion
- Sinai Codex 516: Menologion (May-October)
- Sinai Codex 527: Panegyrics
- Sinai Codex 657
- Sinai Codex 699
- Sinai Codex 734
- Sinai Codex 812
- Sinai Codex 849
- Sinai Codex 869
- Sinai Codex 929
- Sinai Codex 939
- Sinai Codex 941
- Sinai Codex 1049
- Sinai Codex 1052
- Sinai Codex 1093
- Sinai Codex 1096
- Sinai Codex 1102
- Sinai Codex 1112
- Sinai Codex 1186: Kosmas Indicopleustes
- front cover
- folio 6r: headpiece
- folio 28r: Ptolemaic throne, Ethiopian foot-soldiers
- folio 30v: Angel of the Lord and Daniel, two kings
- folio 31r: Two kings mounted
- folio 33v: Cosmos
- folio 34r: Cosmos
- folio 59v: Adam and Eve in the garden with serpent
- folio 65r: Cosmos, firmament, earth and ocean
- folio 66r: Cosmos, creation scheme
- folio 66v: Cosmos, creation scheme
- folio 67r: Cosmos, creation scheme
- folio 68v: Cosmos, creation scheme
- folio 69r: Cosmos, creation scheme
- folio 69v: Signs of the zodiac
- folio 73r: Miracle of the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night
- folio 73v: Miracle of manna
- folio 74r: Miracle of quail
- folio 75v: Moses receiving the Law
- folio 77r: Two Attic foreigners
- folio 77v: Tabernacle with instructions for arrangement
- folio 79r: Court curtains with instructions
- folio 81r: Instructions for table and candelabrum
- folio 82r: Ark of the Covenant
- folio 82v: Court of the dwelling with instructions
- folio 84r: Aaron the priest
- folio 86v: Encampment of the tribes of Israel
- folio 89r: Levites bearing the arc of the covenant across the Jordan
- folio 89v: Adam and Eve robed
- folio 91v: Abel and his flocks
- folio 93v: Death turns away from Enoch
- folio 94v: Dove returning to the ark with olive branch
- folio 97r: Melchizedek
- folio 98r: The sacrifice of Isaac
- folio 99v: Isaac
- folio 100v: Jacob blessing Judah
- folio 101v: Moses and the burning bush
- folio 107v: Translation of Elijah
- folio 110r: The story of Jonah
- folio 125v: Saul guarding the robes of Stephen's slayers
- folio 126r: Stoning of Stephen
- folio 126v: Conversion of Paul
- folio 140r: Personification of sun
- folio 145v: Cosmos
- folio 146r: Gazelle, palm trees, and birds
- folio 146v: Personification of sun
- folio 168r: Tabernacle with instructions for arrangement
- folio 171r: Hezekiah warned by Isaiah
- folio 171v: Hezekiah warned by Isaiah
- folio 174v: King Merodach learns of the miracle of life lengthened
- folio 180r: Zodiac scheme, seasons and symbols
- folio 181v: Cosmos, earth, sun, months
- folio 202r: Hunter and wild animals
- folio 202v: Pepper trees, seal, dolphin, and tortoise
- folio 203r: Man and Indian nut tree
- folio 204v: Lion attacking horse
- back cover
- Sinai Codex 1187: Sacred History Old Testament
- folio 5v: Serpent tempts Adam and Eve
- folio 8v: God orders Adam and Eve out of the Garden (top) and Angel expels Adam and Eve (bottom)
- folio 31v: Noah sends out the raven
- folio 75v: Sodomites before Lot's door
- folio 118r: Joseph and Potiphar's wife
- folio 119v: Joseph in prison
- folios 147r-148r: Pharoah’s daughter presenting Moses to him; Pharaoh takes Moses in his arms
- folio 148r: Pharaoh takes Moses in his arms
- folios 149v-150r: Moses finding two Hebrews fighting: Moses slaying an Egyptian; Moses and two Hebrews
- Sinai Codex 1192: Sacred History
- folio 2v: God the Father and the Genealogy of Christ
- folio 3r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 3v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 4r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 4v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 5r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 5v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 6r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 6v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 7r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 7v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 8r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 8v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 9r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 9v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 10r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 10v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 11v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 12r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 12v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 13r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 13v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 14r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 14v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 15r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 15v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 16r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 16v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 17r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 17v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 18r: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 18v: Genealogy of Christ (portion)
- folio 19r: Genealogy of Christ, Nativity, youthful Christ, Crucifixion
- folio 19v: Genealogy of Christ, Resurrection
- folio 20r: Genealogy of Christ, Ascension
- Sinai Codex 1194: Apollonios of Rhodes
- Sinai Codex 1214: Sticherarion
- Sinai Codex 1215: Sticherarion
- Sinai Codex 1216: Sticherarion
- folio 43r: Gabriel, Michael, and Christ (?)
- folio 51r: Presentation of the Virgin
- folio 72r: Nativity of Christ
- folio 85v: Baptism of Christ
- folio 101r: Tryphon (top) and Presentation of Christ in the Temple (bottom)
- folio 110r: The Annunciation to Mary
- folio 144v: The Transfiguration
- folio 149r: Death of the Virgin
- folio 159r: Headpiece with Pharisee and Publican
- folio 191v: Raising of Lazarus
- folio 193v: Triumphal entry
- folio 199r: Anointing the feet of Christ
- folio 200v: The Last Supper
- folio 203r: Christ washes Peter's feet
- folio 204r: The Kiss of Judas
- folio 212: text (detail)
- folio 213r: Crucifixion, miniature
- folio 218r: Burial of Christ
- folio 218v: Women at the Empty Tomb
- folio 220r: The Resurrection
- folio 221r: The Doubting of Thomas
- folio 230r: The Ascension
- folio 235v: Pentecost
- Sinai Codex 1220
- Sinai Codex 1221
- Sinai Codex 1224
- Sinai Codex 1226
- Sinai Codex 1234: Sticherarion
- folio 1r: Headpiece
- folio 8v: Birth of the Virgin
- folio 156v: Nativity of Jesus Christ
- folio 204v: Baptism of Christ
- folio 239v: Antonios
- folio 264v: Simeon holding Christ Child
- folio 284v: Annunciation
- folio 300v: Georgios
- folio 348v: Peter and Paul
- folio 400v: The Transfiguration
- folio 429v: John Prodromos
- Sinai Codex 1276
- Sinai Codex 1297: Musical Anthology
- Sinai Codex 1413
- Sinai Codex 1428
- Sinai Codex 1580
- Sinai Codex 1584: Sticherarion
- Sinai Codex 1922
- Sinai Codex 2012
- Sinai Codex 2038: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 2065
- Sinai Codex 2090: Four Gospels
- Sinai Codex 2094
- Sinai Codex 2123: New Testament and Psalter
- front cover
- folio 1r: The Annunciation to Mary
- folio 1v: Cross
- folio 2r: Sphere representing world, cross on top
- folio 3v: David
- folio 29v: Elijah fed by raven
- folio 30r: Michael Paleologos
- folio 30v: John Paleologos
- folio 31r: Horologue under arches
- folio 31v: Isaiah
- folio 32r
- folio 32v
- folio 33r
- folio 33v: Horologue under arches
- folio 34r: Mother of God
- folio 34v: Matthew seated
- folio 35r
- folio 44r: John the Baptist and Daniel
- folio 44v: Mark seated
- folio 49r: Luke seated
- folio 49v: Three youths in the fiery furnace with Basil, Gregory, and Chrysostom
- folio 52r: Peter with keys, two others, and Spyridon, Anotonios, and one other
- folio 52v: John and Prochoros
- folio 84r: Demetrios, Georgios, Mercurios, Theodore Stratelates, Stephen, and one other
- folio 84v: Paul standing
- folio 125v: The doubting of Thomas
- folio 131v
- folio 132r
- folio 132v: Constantine and Helena
- folio 133r: crowned double-headed eagle
- folio 133v: Adoration of the Magi
- back cover
- Sinai Codex 2252
- Sinai Arabic Codex 68: Four Gospels
- Sinai Arabic Codex 70: Four Gospels
- Sinai Arabic Codex 80: Four Gospels
- Sinai Arabic Codex 92: Four Gospels
- Sinai Arabic Codex 226
- Sinai Arabic Codex 265
- Sinai Arabic Codex 343: John Climacus
- Arabic Single Leaf with Luke
- Sinai Arabic Codex 363
- Sinai Arabic Codex 416: Synaxarium
- Sinai Arabic Codex 514
- Sinai Georgian Codex 16: Four Gospels
- Sinai Georgian Codex 19
- Sinai Georgian Codex 30
- Sinai Georgian Codex 38: Four Gospels
- Sinai Georgian Codex 49
- Sinai Slav. Codex 1: Four Gospels
- Sinai Slav. Codex 15: Liturgy
- Sinai Syr. Codex 7
- Sinai Syr. Codex 27: Troparia
- Sinai Syr. Codex 88: Menaion
- Sinai Syr. Codex 127
- Sinai Syr. Codex 185
- Sinai Syr. Codex 231
- Sinai Codex 3: Book of Job